Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Bucket List?

I updated my bucket list today (on tadalists.com, where I indulge my list-writing heart by writing dozens of lists) and had to laugh at myself.  At least my bucket list isn't cliche like everybody else's.

1.  Make and fly a paper lantern.  (Okay, so far not too bad)

2.  Run a half/full marathon. 
I know that I wrote this item two or so years after running a half marathon.  Why did I add something I     already accomplished to my list?  I don't know.  

3.  Write a sweet blog.  

4.  Publish something.  
I've got time.

5.  Bake a signature dish.  
FAIL.  I'm desperately trying to find what tastes my garlic and cheese loving fiance and I have in common.  His suggestion:  "If you can't think of anything to cook when we're married, you can always make me a sandwich."  Does a ham and cheese sandwich count as a signature dish?

6.  Make my own cookbook.  
See above.

7.  Get my hair to stay curled for more than 10 minutes.  
Pretty sure this will never happen, but I'm holding onto hope.

8.  Eat a bagel and cream cheese. 
I suppose it's time to start upping the standards for what makes it on here.  

1 comment:

  1. 2. You added it so you could already check it off and feel more accomplished. I do that all the time.

    5. No. Unless you jazz it up with some stuff.... peppers, tomato, pesto... you get the idea. (also, you're welcome)

    7. I'm guessing the wedding won't be a good time to check this one off?

    8. Do they make soy/rice/coconut cream cheese?
